The past few days have been good days which has been nice, because it's been an up and down semester for me. This weekend I was productive and finished a book for a class, and as a bonus I was able to sit outside, enjoying beautiful weather, while finishing it.
Sunday we had a little different sunday school for the kids I work with at church. Normally the 3rd-5th grade meets together then breaks up into their sunday school classes, but this week they stayed together the whole time and we talked about passover and the crucifixion with them. It was a neat service. I feel like I'm starting to connect more with the kids now, which is nice, but kinda stinks at the same time because I won't be here the next 2 sundays and then I'll only have a couple more sundays left in the semester. I plan on continuing to work with the 3rd-5th graders next semester though.
The "big church" service, as I've grown up calling it, was also good. It was cool that the sermon connected to the sunday school class I went to. Both were talking about commitment. I also was able to meet someone I didn't know in church, and she seemed pretty cool. Hopefully I can get to know her better. We've started sitting with some people who are around our age, to try to meet more people. I'd really like to get to know more people at Highview, especially people my age.
Another positive thing is that I've seen something I've been praying about lately being answered. It's cool because I started praying about it in a different way after we talked about prayer in my spiritual disciplines class. I started praying for God's glory to be shown in the situation and praying specifically for blessings upon someone else, and I'm seeing my prayers answered. It's kinda hard to explain fully because I don't want to go into details, but I think changing the way I was praying has changed my perspective because obviously God hasn't changed. I'm trying to look at things in a new perspective lately. I've been really convicted that I've just had a bitter attitude about a lot of things lately. Anytime I catch myself thinking something negative, I've been immediately trying to turn that thought around and find a way to praise God for whatever it is that I was viewing negatively. It's not always easy, but it does wonders for my attitude and mood.
And to end this post on a final positive note, I get to go home friday, and I'll be home all next week! I'm so excited! I haven't been home all semester and I miss it. It's supposed to get up to 80°, I get to eat crawfish, see my friends and family, eat at one of my favorite restaurants, have a photography day with my parents, play tennis with Bets, see my puppies, rest...yeah I'm pretty excited. :)
Oh and to add one more thing in, I got my camp newsletter the other day which made my day and got me really excited for this summer. I think it's going to be a great summer for my camp. I feel like I have so much I'll be able to share with people this summer because I've been learning so much this semester. I just feel like God is going to move in some awesome ways at camp this summer, and I can't wait to experience it. -Allison-


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